Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The Well guys have been there the past couple days with thier HUGE equipment. One of them said that he backed the truck up the whole driveway...that takes some serious skill. I have a hard time doing that in my little blazer. I figure if they can drive on our new driveway and not sink into the hill anything should be ok...They are supposed to finish up today but assuming that doesn't mean that we'll have water up there right away. Beau, Cody, my parents, adde, jackson and I stayed out there last night and finished filling and "tamping" (that how you spell it?) the house. Only parts left are the garage and the porch. took forever...but done! Mitch (our volunteer plumber) and Beau are out today roughing in the plumbing. Should be interesting. Again...a bit nervous about the beer ratio. The bottom picture is our "shed". Doesn't look anything like it did when I looked at the plans. There are no color codes. Def. not an IKEA shed. Just some boards...nails and some plastic stuff - maybe saw some tape in there too. Would not even know where to begin...what board goes first? and you make it stand up how? I think mine would end up looking like a teepee. Good luck boys
oh yeah...and check out Adde's cute pony. She HAD to have one:)

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