Friday, May 7, 2010

Concrete Evidence

Ron the concrete man has been busy this week! The little slab is for the outdoor woodstove...something that Beau said he was going to check out next week. When I asked for the definition of check out he said look at it and then buy it. Last time he went to check something out I ended up with a bobcat...just wanted to make sure this time! The larger concrete slab is the floor of the shed...with our professional infloor heat underneath (all those white tubes sticking up) Not sure when the lumber for the shed is being delivered but Ron is coming back tomorrow to finish laying block for the house. He also told us to fill in around the shed so we have dirt...sorry fill...being delivered this weekend and Beau is spending it in the bobcat pushing it in!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day sounds like it will be an outdoor event.
