All right...going through images 1, 2, 3. The first is of the shed...footings are set and apparently we can start building the shed. And by we I mean mostly Beau. I asked if we had plans or if the walls were going to come already put together so we just had to raise it up and nail it together...but was informed that all we're going to get is a pile of plans...and have to put it together. Sure...easy Beau says "It's just a shed". He would say that!
The second two pictures are of the house footings. It actually looks like something now! Hard to believe they did all that work in 5 days. It actually looks kind of pretty - like art. Now we have to fill in the outside holes to get to filling in the inside holes. We're supposed to get a bunch of sand from Digger Bruce today but since it's pouring outside I'm thinking it's not going to happen. Thats ok...means I might get a husband for a night! Beau wants to get it filled in this week so he and _______ (any takers?) can do the plumbing this weekend. I offered but I think he may want help from someone who knows a bit more - even though I've proven myself a master infloor heat expert. No faith ;)
I think experts should do the plumbing since messy water backing up is the worst to clean up. Besides, when Adde and Jackson put things down the pipes or toilets, you can plead ignorance for fixing the problem! Everything is looking good. Can't wait to see walls.